Meet Alana Sharps
Award winning screenwriter and producer Tony Marinozzi adapts domestic abuse thriller.

Sharps is a Certified High Conflict Divorce and Child Custody Consultant. The book, an Amazon best seller tells the interpersonal story of being embedded into a marriage with a covert narcissist.”
“Jon is a charming, charismatic man to the outside world; full of love, generosity, compassion, and an overwhelmingly affable personality that would never present as a person who demeaned and abused behind closed doors. He is a covert narcissist who thrives on the pain of others for his own sadistic desires. Someone who would stop at nothing to protect his image and control the narrative, even if that means doing detrimental harm to his own children.” Alana Sharps
Producer, Tony Marinozzi shared why he signed on to this project saying, “This is a cringing, gut wrenching situation for any woman to be faced with. If highlighting this matter and sharing the red flags signaled here can help just one woman survive a potentially deadly situation, especially when children are endangered, it should compel us all to get involved.”
Visit Alana Sharps Online at:
Alana’s Book on Amazon: Was It My Fault?
Join her private Facebook group: SurThrive Tribe
Read Alana’s Blog by clicking here
Instagram: @surthrivetribe @alanasharps
Twitter: @alanasharps
Book a Session: calendly.com/alana-sharps